jack@localhost:~$ whoami

My name is Jack, I’m a current Red Team Consultant and Offensive R&D Engineer.

My main focus lies in the areas of Red Team Adversarial Emulations, Windows Internals and Offensive R&D, but I also have experience in Reverse Engineering, Physical Security, Web Application Security, AWS Security, Hardware/Electronics and some Secure Code Review.

This page will contain posts on my learning experiences, challenges, projects, or just research in my spare time. I hope you enjoy the posts and hopefully learn something new. If you would like to see posts on a certain topic, just reach out to me and I’ll see what I can do. Also, feedback is much appreciated!



jack@localhost:~$ cat conference-talks.txt

The following is a list of Conferences that I have presented at along with slides and video links (if available).

  • NCC CON (2019) - Red Teaming AWS: From Compromise to Persistence
  • NCC CON (2020) - Advanced Red Team Tradecraft & Tooling